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Fortnite Parental Controls: A Parent Guide to Set Up Parental Controls in Fortnite

With over 350 million registered players and a significant portion being children and teenagers, Fortnite has become a global phenomenon in the gaming world. Its vibrant graphics, engaging gameplay, and multiplayer capabilities have captured the attention of young gamers across the globe. As a parent, it's important to recognize the influence and popularity of Fortnite and take proactive steps to ensure your child's safety and well-being while they indulge in this virtual universe.

In this concise guide, we will delve into the world of Fortnite parental controls, providing you with valuable insights and practical strategies to create a secure gaming environment for your child.

fornite parental controls

Part 1. Fortnite and Online Dangers

Fortnite, a popular online game, offers an exciting and immersive gaming experience with its action-packed battles, where players engage in combat using various weapons and traps. While the game is visually appealing and fosters strategic thinking, it's important for parents to be aware of potential online dangers.

The game features violence, including the use of guns, swords, and explosives, along with intense battles accompanied by gunfire and explosions. Moreover, players can interact with others, exposing them to explicit or violent language.

Additionally, the competitive nature of the game can sometimes lead to anger issues, as children may express frustration or become emotionally charged.

As responsible parents, it's crucial to address these concerns and implement appropriate safeguards to ensure a safe and enjoyable gaming experience for your child.

Part 2. How to Set Up Parental Controls on Fortnite?

Setting parental controls on Fortnite is an extremely effortless and straightforward process. Thanks to built-in parental controls offered by the game and various game consoles such as Nintendo Switch, Playstation, and Xbox, there are a variety of options and tools that you can use to manage your children's gaming experience.

Method 1. In-Game Parental Controls

Fortnite offers built-in parental control options that allow you to manage and monitor your child's gaming experience. For instance, you can create a child account and then link it with your own parent account. This will give you control over their account settings and allow you to manage their gameplay. You can also adjust the age restrictions and privacy settings to ensure your child can only access content suitable for their age.

Additionally, there are also options for setting Playtime Limits and Notifications, restricting in-game purchases and microtransactions, and managing voice chat and communication. What's more, you can also control the interactions and who can send your child friend requests. Here is how to do so:

Link Child account:

  1. Go to the Fortnite site and create a child account.
  2. Log in using your parent account credentials.
  3. Once logged in, you will see the option to "Add a Child." Click on this option to proceed.

Set Age Restriction:

  1. Open Fortnite on your preferred platform (PC, console, or mobile).
  2. Access the settings menu within the game.
  3. Look for options related to "Privacy" or "Account Settings."
  4. Adjust the settings to set appropriate age restrictions and privacy levels for your child.

Restrict in-game purchases and microtransactions:

  1. In Fortnite, access the settings menu.
  2. Look for the "Store" or "Purchase Settings" section.
  3. Enable settings like "Require Password" or "Restrict Purchases" to prevent unauthorized transactions.

Manage voice chat and communication:

  1. Within the Fortnite settings, locate the "Audio" or "Voice Chat" options.
  2. Disable voice chat by selecting "Off" or adjust settings to limit chat to "Friends Only" or "Party Only."

Controlling friend requests and interaction:

  1. Access the Fortnite settings.
  2. Look for the "Friends" or "Social" section.
  3. Enable settings to restrict friend requests or set privacy options for your child's friend list.

Set playtime limits and notifications:

  1. Open Fortnite and access the settings menu.
  2. Look for options like "Playtime Limit" or "Time Management."
  3. Set a maximum playtime limit for your child's gaming sessions.
  4. Enable notifications to alert your child when their playtime is about to expire.

Utilize in-game timer and reminders:

  1. Within Fortnite, navigate to the settings menu.
  2. Look for the "Gameplay" or "HUD" section.
  3. Enable the in-game timer or reminders to periodically remind your child to take breaks.

Method 2. Platform-Specific Parental Controls

Fortnite can be played on different gaming platforms, each offering specific parental control features to help you manage and supervise your child's gaming activities. By leveraging these platform-specific controls, you can enhance the safety and oversight of your child's Fortnite experience. Here's an accurate overview of the parental control features available on popular gaming platforms and how to set them up for Fortnite:

Xbox Parental Control for Fortnite

Xbox provides a comprehensive set of parental control features through the Xbox Family Settings app. Parents can manage screen time limits, set content restrictions, and control communication permissions specifically for Fortnite.

  1. Turn on your Xbox console and sign in to the parent account or the account that has administrative privileges.
  2. Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide, and then go to "Profile & system" (the icon with a person's silhouette and a gear).
  3. Select "Settings" from the menu.
  4. In the Settings menu, navigate to "Account."
  5. Select "Family settings" and choose the account you want to apply parental controls to (usually your child's account).
  6. Select "Xbox Live privacy & online safety."
  7. You may be prompted to sign in again for verification purposes.
  8. Under the "Privacy & online safety" section, choose "View details & customize" or "Xbox One/Windows 10 Online Safety."
  9. Select "Privacy" and scroll down to find "View details & customize" or "Customize."
  10. Choose the account for which you want to manage privacy settings (your child's account).
  11. Scroll down and find "Game content."
  12. Under "Access to content," select "Apps & games."
  13. Select the desired age rating for Fortnite based on your child's age and maturity level. You can choose to block content based on age ratings.
  14. Save your settings and exit the menu.

PlayStation Parental Control for Fortnite

PlayStation offers robust parental control features directly through the system settings. Parents can set age ratings, control communication permissions, and establish spending limits for Fortnite.

  1. Turn on your PlayStation console and log in with the parent account or the account that has administrative privileges.
  2. Navigate to the main menu and select "Settings" from the top menu.
  3. Scroll down and select "Parental Controls/Family Management."
  4. Choose "Family Management" and enter your password when prompted.
  5. Select the account that you want to apply parental controls to (usually your child's account).
  6. Choose "Parental Controls" for the selected account.
  7. Select "Restrict Use of PS4 Features."
  8. Choose "Application" and then select "Newly Purchased Games" or "On PlayStation Store."
  9. Find and select "Fortnite" from the list of available games.
  10. Choose the desired level of restriction for Fortnite. You can select "Do Not Allow" to completely block access, or you can choose a specific age rating appropriate for your child.
  11. Save your settings and exit the menu.

Nintendo Switch Parental Control Features for Fortnite

Nintendo Switch provides parental control features that can help parents manage gameplay time limits, restrict online communication, and set content restrictions specifically for Fortnite. These platform-specific features empower parents to ensure a safer gaming experience for their children.

  1. On the Nintendo Switch console, go to "System Settings" and select "Parental Controls."
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to create a four-digit PIN code.
  3. Select "Use This Console" to apply parental controls to the current Nintendo Switch device.
  4. Choose a desired level of restriction based on your child's age and maturity. The options available include "Young Child," "Pre-Teen," "Teen," and "Custom."
  5. If you choose the "Custom" option, you can configure specific restrictions. Scroll down to "Restricted Software" and select it.
  6. Scroll through the list of software and find "Fortnite." Enable the toggle switch to restrict access to Fortnite.
  7. You can also set play-time limits by selecting "Play-Time Limits." Set the desired daily play time and the time range during which the console can be used.
  8. Additionally, you can restrict communication features by selecting "Communication" and configuring the appropriate settings.
  9. Once you have finished customizing the parental controls, select "Complete."
  10. To ensure the settings are applied, you may need to restart the Nintendo Switch console.

Method 3. FoneWatcher Parental Controls

FoneWatcher is a robust and reliable parental control tool that provides parents with a range of features and benefits to ensure their children's online safety and responsible digital behavior. With its comprehensive monitoring capabilities and advanced features, FoneWatcher empowers parents to have greater visibility and control over their child's device usage.

One of the standout features of FoneWatcher is its compatibility with both iOS and Android devices, providing parents with the flexibility to monitor their child's activities regardless of the device they are using to access Fortnite. This compatibility ensures that parents can effectively manage their child's digital interactions and safeguard their online experiences.

What's more, it operates discreetly on the target device without detection. This means parents can monitor their child's activities without interrupting their online experience or raising suspicions.

fonewatcher parental controls

Key Features of FoneWatcher to Protect Children on Digital Life

  • Monitoring and Alerts: FoneWatcher enables parents to monitor their child's device usage, including app usage, internet browsing history, and social media activity. This feature allows parents to stay informed about their child's online behavior and receive alerts for any concerning activities or potential threats.
  • Social Media Monitoring: FoneWatcher provides the ability to monitor your child's interactions on various social media platforms. This helps parents detect any signs of cyberbullying, inappropriate content, or interactions with strangers that may indirectly impact their experiences on Fortnite.
  • Web Filtering and Content Blocking: FoneWatcher offers web filtering capabilities that allow parents to block access to specific websites or content categories. While not directly targeting Fortnite, this feature can be used to prevent access to inappropriate websites or forums related to the game.
  • Location Tracking and Geo-Fencing: FoneWatcher provides the ability to track the location of your child's device in real time. Additionally, geo-fencing features allow you to set up virtual boundaries, and you'll receive alerts when your child enters or leaves those designated areas.

How to Set Up FoneWatcher?

Step 1. Visit the FoneWatcher website and create an account by providing the necessary details.

Step 2. Install the FoneWatcher app on the target device your child uses to play Fortnite. Configure the app using the Setup guide and close the app.

install fonewatcher

Step 3. Log in to your FoneWatcher account and start monitoring the child's device from the dashboard.

monitor phone with fonewatcher

Part 3. How to Turn Off Parental Controls on Fortnite?

To turn off parental controls on Fortnite, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Fortnite on the gaming platform or device and go to settings.
  2. Look for the "Parental Controls" or "Account Settings" option in the menu. It may be located under a "Security" or "Privacy" section.
  3. Enter the PIN code that was set during the initial setup and navigate to the option that allows you to disable or turn off the controls.
  4. Confirm your action by following the prompts or providing any required confirmation codes or passwords.

After disabling the parental controls, exit the settings menu and return to the main game interface. Verify that the parental controls are no longer active by checking if any previously restricted features or settings are now accessible.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, setting up parental controls for Fortnite is crucial to ensure a safe and appropriate gaming environment for children. Whether using in-game controls, platform-specific features, or third-party apps such as FoneWatcher, parents have a range of options to manage screen time, restrict content, and control communication settings.

So, if your kids are obsessed with playing games on Fortnite, it is not too late to install and set up these Fortnite parental controls on your kid's device and provide them with a safe and enjoyable gaming experience.

Tomson Brown

Tomson Brown is interested in researching parental control and monitoring technology, and he has been focused on sharing his discoveries for more than five years.

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